Guilded Youth — 1 of 6

Jim Munroe

Release 1

"Guilded Youth" by Jim Munroe.

Include Multimedia by The Vorple Project.

Include Hypertext by The Vorple Project.

Include Questions by Michael Callaghan.

Include Undo Output Control by Erik Temple.

Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.

Release along with the "Vorple" interpreter.

Release along with a file of "Custom CSS" called "vorple.custom.css".

Release along with the source text.

Release along with cover art.

Use no scoring.

Understand "* [text]" as a mistake ("Thanks for your feedback!").

Understand "save" as a mistake ("Sorry, you can't save the game, but really -- you don't need to.").

Understand "restore" as a mistake ("Sorry, you can't save or restore the game, but really -- you don't need to.").

Understand "help" or "hint" as a mistake ("You can win this game by using three commands: GO, TAKE and SHOW something TO someone. If you want to go somewhere that seems hard to get to, lead by example!").

Crediting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "credits" or "about" as crediting.

Carry out crediting:

say "Jim Munroe wrote and designed Guilded Youth. [run paragraph on]";

display "His other games are here[run paragraph on]" linking to url "";

say ". Art and animation by [run paragraph on]";

display "Matt Hammill[run paragraph on]" linking to url "";

say ". Sound by [run paragraph on]";

display "Troy Morrissey[run paragraph on]" linking to url "";

say ". It uses the marvellous Vorple JavaScript user interface library by [run paragraph on]";

display "Juhana Leinonen[run paragraph on]" linking to url "";

say ", who also helped with coding.[run paragraph on] Beta testers: Ori Avtalion, Adam Axbey, Matthew Bin, Raigan Burns, Jake Eakle, David Faulkner, Mark Tilford & Wiley Wiggins. Thanks also to the Inform 7 team and the interactive fiction community.[line break][line break]".